Collision Repair

The complexity of even the most basic cars being sold now is light years removed from where it was even 5 years ago. The two biggest changes, of high strength, low weight metals and precise electronic based safety systems are largely invisible to the vehicle owner. Accurate collision repairs start with the right damage assessment and diagnosis.
Information is provided by the manufacturers and other reputable sources on these metals and systems and the correct repair methods are based on this information. At Able in Grove Collision, we take seriously the responsibility to use this information to ensure that the damage assessment is accurate. A well-written damage report will also allow us to explain the repair to the vehicle owner with as much detail as needed.
We have three damage appraisers on staff and an appointment is not needed to start the assessment process.
Collision Repair Authorization
After the assessment is completed, if it is an insurance claim we send the report to the insurance company and schedule the repair. Approval for the repair from the insurance company is usually very fast and we can schedule the repair with the knowledge that we will have the approval before the scheduled date.
If there is no insurance company involved we carefully explain the damage report to you before requesting your authorization.
Scheduling the Repair
After the damage assessment has been approved the schedule for repair can be set. In this we make every effort to provide service that works to your schedule.
If the vehicle is drivable it is best to minimize the time the car will be here by ordering needed parts to be here before the car is brought in. If a courtesy car is needed, we have 4 cars in our fleet and access to rentals if more are needed. If a truck or SUV is needed we can arrange to have appropriate rental vehicles here.
With a simple repair, we will be able to tell you with confidence when the car will be ready for pickup. With more complex repairs many variables affect the repair schedule and it can be difficult to know the completion date. We will provide our best estimate of time before the repair starts and keep you informed during the repair.
The Repair Steps
This same detailed information that was used to provide the initial assessment and repair cost is used to generate a repair plan for the repair technicians. There are too many variations from one car to the next to expect the repair techs to know what they are dealing with each time. They know how to do the repair, but will only be able to use that knowledge properly if they are given information including complete damage diagnosis and vehicle specific repair procedures.
After authorization to start the repairs, the car goes to the disassembly and assembly team to remove damaged parts and undamaged parts that need to be out of the way to allow repair. At the assembly stage after repair and paint, these same technicians will use current diagnostic tools to ensure that all systems in the vehicle are working as designed.
From here the metal repair techs take over, again working with current equipment including Wedge Clamp Rack to perform the precise repairs needed. The damage report written by the appraiser will include vehicle specific repair notes and these are closely followed
From repair the next step and the last before reassembly is paint. We use the latest spray technology to apply Onyx-RM Waterborne Auto Body Paint to complete the best collision repair for your car and the environment.